I keep hearing that Trump has ridden a wave of Populism into the White House (he has started his election campaign some six months ago).  But I just don’t believe it, and wanted to write something to dispute this.  I feel he is as Populist as Hitler was—whereby people so desperate because of opiodes, inflation and job losses are willing to turn to anything to numb the pain.

From James Vickers (so often ahead of the curve on these things): I keep seeing attempts to conflate Nationalism and Fascism, with Populism. They’re not the same.

pop·u·lism [póppyə lìzzəm]
1. politics unfavorable to elite: politics or political ideology based on the perceived interests of ordinary people, as opposed to those of a privileged elite
2. focus on ordinary people: focus or emphasis on the lives of ordinary people, e.g. in the arts and in politics

Nothing wrong with this. But this article reminds me of something I posted the other day. Trump is “enabling” or “emboldening” deplorable, prejudiced people, to do things they would not have done until Trump encouraged and pumped up their racism. They’re calling the cops on black people for innocuous things they would not have normally done. A border agent literally murdered a girl the other day. And I’m sure their acts will continue.
na·tion·al·ism [náshən’l ìzzəm, náshnə lìzzəm]
1. desire for political independence: the desire to achieve political independence, especially by a country under foreign control or by a people with a separate identity and culture but no state of their own
2. patriotism: proud loyalty and devotion to a nation
3. excessive devotion to nation: excessive or fanatical devotion to a nation and its interests, often associated with a belief that one country is superior to all others

Definition #3 is the one most to fear. We see these two are nothing alike.

Conflating them serves the power elite, who don’t want populism. They’ve nearly killed it so they want to portray it as some horrible thing, like patriotism on crack. Populism is simply putting human needs above the corporation and trying to help all people, not just the already comfortable.

fas·cism [fá shìzzəm]
or Fas·cism [fá shìzzəm]
dictatorial movement: any movement, ideology, or attitude that favors the dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism
This final one is what we have, the conflation of government and corporate power–and of course, corporations are pretty much owned by the rich. The poorest 50% of us own very little–next to nothing.


Populism is a good thing. Sadly, when you use it by saying “these foreigners/blacks/Mexicans/Immigrants are getting this thing and it is keeping you from getting it,” and enough people believe it, then it is what you cite, false populism used to manipulate.

Real populism lifts everyone up, and it does not compare and blame other groups.


The picture used for this article shows a blonde White woman at a Trump rally with a t-shirt saying: “adorable deplorable” in reference to Hillary Clinton’s comment during the campaign.

de·plor·a·ble [di pláwrəb’l]
1. extremely unacceptable: worthy of severe condemnation
2. wretched: wretched because of neglect, poverty, or other misfortune

a·dor·a·ble [ə dáwrəb’l]
very pleasing: charming, lovable, and usually very attractive

I think this is the perfect oxymoron.

There are rich people like Trump who believe that what is good for them is good for the little guy. They see themselves as “Gods.” As the producers of all things.  Trump used “false populism.”  He pretended to want to help the little guy.   Nationalism tinged with racism and xenophobia, and an added dose of fear. Thom Hartmann on his Radio show is recounting the things they need to do to raise Fascism in a country today.

Trump isn’t practicing populism. He’s trying to pretend to–he’s put a few meager tariffs on a few things, without taking steps to correspondingly raise wages from the bottom-up. I’ve always admitted if you get rid of globalizing you’re going to need to raise wages too. Things will cost more, though there is a certain constraint. Trump seems to be seeking another way to collect taxes that will be regressive. But the idea should be to raise tariffs across the board where it will be cheaper to just manufacture stuff here.

Populism is people friendly, not color, religion, or nationality friendly. Trump is the latter. He practices the fake kind.