Archives for posts with tag: wall street

On January 17, 2018, I got my first “Grandpa Howard” call.  The kind AARP warns you about.  A kid calls, says he is in trouble, and asks the grandparent for money.  I was immediately tipped off because it came from a phone interchange (474) in Santa Fe , New Mexico with the 0000 number behind it, but the notation below was “Kentucky.”  Plus the time of the call.  Anyway, I played along, and got in one parting shot: “So you need money?” “Yes.”  “Grandson, do you know what this is doing to your soul?”  Hangup.  I wanted to do something more than: “so I know this is a fraud“—I wanted him to think about what he was doing, so I awkwardly and quickly chose those words.  Maybe later at night this would rest heavy on his soul and he would stop.  But why stop when the society of the United States has become so corrupted and Nigerian Scam like?

Later all I could do is think about what would make it right in someone’s mind to think this is an acceptable way to make a living.  Then I thought about Kentucky and its opioid crisis and how it voted for Trump.  How a Resident of the White House could lead a national movement of bad behavior and unbridled Republican entitlement.  Beyond White Supremacists but actually where a red state member feels it is okay to bilk a blue state member.  Where our elected officials feel it is all right not to act in the national interest but in their own interest.

So our entire culture is following Trump’s Art of the Deal where it is perfectly all right to swindle people you don’t even know.   Or to be tough negotiators who bully business associates and sexually harass women.  To push the ceiling in ordinary society to allow for fraud against family members and strangers.  The new financial world.  This kid if successful could sell stock in himself.  Makes sense because Wall Street does this every damn day.   Creating a bubble on the Stock Market based not on GNP, economic growth like jobs or any other economic numbers—but on how much they think a Presidential Administration and Congress can swindle the American People for their own benefit (Trump Tax Bill, et. al.).

By accepting the day-in and day-out Tweets of a lying dishonest braggart we have created a new normal (Trump passed the 2,000 mark more than 10 days ago).    Our non-action is complicity to the selling out to Putin.  Good effective leadership must have more to it than this?  “Dump Trump”; how much more obvious can it be?

We recognized when “too much was too much” in Nixon’s Watergate, why don’t we recognize it now in RussiaGate; especially given our long national nightmare (President Ford’s words) back then.  We as a country should be acting with the remedies to this sickness that our Fore Fathers gave us: Impeachment; we did it in 1973-74.

Here is some alarming news:

William —

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s opposition to the nomination of Wall Street crony Antonio Weiss to a key post in the Treasury Department is quickly becoming a defining moment in the battle for the future of the Democratic Party.

It’s a battle we must win.

Wall Street and their allies are doing everything they can stop Sen. Warren. The Washington Post editorial board called the opposition to Weiss a “witch hunt.” Steven Rattner, a wealthy investment banker, claimed that if Sen. Warren prevailed, nobody on Wall Street would want to take a government job again.


So far, 56,848 Democracy for America members across the country have signed our petition urging Senators to stand with Sen. Warren and reject Antonio Weiss. That’s a great start. But it’s becoming clear that this battle isn’t going to be over in a matter of days. We need to prepare for several weeks, even months, of organizing to stop this nomination.

That’s where you come in. We need your help to fund a campaign to support Sen. Warren and make sure she prevails in this all-important battle between the Warren Wing and the Wall Street Wing of the Democratic Party.

Will you stand with Elizabeth Warren against Wall Street? Chip in $3 or more today!

From all accounts, it appears the battle over the Weiss nomination will last into the new year. We’ll have to target not only Senate Democrats, but eventually the White House, to generate enough pressure to sink this nomination.

We’re also learning more about Weiss’s background. While his work to help Burger King merge with a Canadian company to avoid paying their fair share of U.S. taxes is now well known, over the weekend a prominent financial expert exposed Weiss as being completely unqualified to hold the position of Undersecretary of Domestic Finance:

“Mr. Weiss’s supporters argue that he is highly qualified for this senior fiscal policy job. They are wrong. Mr. Weiss has no known relevant qualification or experience for this position… The treasury job requires knowledge of sovereign credit, experience with the practicalities of public debt sustainability, and an understanding of the intricacies of our national budget. From the public record and otherwise available information, Mr. Weiss has no substantial knowledge or expertise on any of these issues… It’s hard to think of any senior fiscal official from a serious country with qualifications as weak as those of Mr. Weiss.” – Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 12/6/14
Momentum is building to stop this nomination. It won’t be easy, and we won’t stop it overnight. With support from DFA members like you, we can take our government back from Wall Street.

Sen. Warren needs your help. Will you pitch in to build a sustained campaign to stop Antonio Weiss — and show Democrats that we won’t let them side with Wall Street?

Thank you for standing with Sen. Warren in this important battle.

– Jim

Jim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America