Archives for posts with tag: Hillary

Recently, on-line postings on FaceBook have highlighted the developing rift between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders camps within the Democratic Party.  I believe that most of this rift is being created by Republican operatives—well, because that is the way they have ALWAYS done it.

The Republicans thrive on dirty tricks. We need to remember Nixon, Watergate and Donald Segretti; whose minions were Karl Rove, Ralph Reed, Jack Abramhoff and George W. Bush:  I’m sure these guys are the role models for today’s trolls on FaceBook sites.

It is not that hard to find it because it happens so often:

Do any of you remember during the Vietnam War hippies spitting on returning veterans at airports?   Some guy wrote a book on this and investigated 10,000 claims of this happening ( Two were actual protests by SNAC members then the national organization issued guidelines not to do it anymore. But the Young College Republicans ( under Segretti’s mentorship and started dressing up as Hippies and spitting on soldiers and they did it at over 100 airports, because the nation was so incensed at this action and they thought it would help Nixon’s campaign.

Nobody Spat on American GIs!

The Southern Strategy ( was developed by Lee Atwater ( for the Nixon campaign.  These are things that really drove voters away from the parties and voting at all.  Which coincidentally is another part of the strategy.

DA says: 90% of the “Bernie or Bust” and “Bernie Bros” folks are FAKE – they are GOP Trolls, purposely paid and trying to stir up shit in the Democratic Party, going online to start arguments and get real Democrats to argue, fight, and eventually block each other. It’s a means of disrupting communications and cooperation; part of their underhanded guerrilla tactics.

The same can be said of “Hillary Helots” – her fake supporters, also GOP Trolls – working the opposite end for the same goal, disruption of the Democratic Party.

The other 10% legitimately support Bernie or Hillary, and are simply so selfish and self-centered that they would sacrifice the well-being of the entire country out of spite if they don’t get their way, like children who will make the entire nation eat mud pies for dessert if they don’t get their choice of Ice Cream flavor.

It is NECESSARY that we find a way to agree, and to come together in the spirit of cooperation to support whomever is the Democratic nominee, in order to prevent a Republican administration from having the chance to finish their efforts to destroy this country. The ability to compromise and cooperate is the hallmark of the Democratic Party which proves that we are, indeed, superior to the alternative of Fascism and Corporate Feudalism to which the other side wants to doom us.

A typical viewpoint is GF: Those who do not vote for the Democratic nominee no matter who he or she will be are NAZI REPUBLICAN SUPPORTERS. Remember Ralph Nader?

So we need to HEAL this rift and STOP any more personality attacks before the rift gets too deep.  Staying home because your candidate lost or was treated unfairly is childish.

A couple of years ago, I was thinking that President Obama was too weak to get things done in Washington; just too nice of a guy to get tough.  The kind of guy that “goes along to get along.”  Perhaps he didn’t have a spine—always having to be the token minority.

I thought that maybe the Democratic Party would run an alternative, or he would step aside and at the Democratic Convention someone like a Hillary would come forward.  All along I also worried that the first African American President would be assassinated and would have to be replaced.  I remembered the Kennedys, and Dr. King, and knew the radical right liked taking good things away from this country.

There was a small movement to ask him to step aside.

Then the Occupy Wall Street movement started and everyone was a part of the 99%.

Then I saw Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell officially say that the Republicans job was to make Obama a one term President.   A fellow Senator saying this when the Senate has always been run as a country club with the first rule being speak no ill of members or former members like Senator Obama.  Maybe it was his racist upbringing in Kentucky speaking.  Certainly this was the case for South Carolina Senator Jim Demint.


Then Minority Leader Representative Eric Cantor and his Tea Party compatriots started labeling Obama as a socialist or a big spender and debt creator.  Failing to see the majority of debt and expenditures were created exclusively by the Republican Party since Reagan in 1980.  See the Two Santa Claus Theory as to the strategy.


Then Vice President Joe Biden said that Obama acted to take out Osama bin Laden against his advice and the advice of others.  He was bold and decisive.


Finally, I realized that we need to stand behind our President by opposing those bigots and ultra rich people who are now actively destroying the American Dream and in fact our country.  Selling out to China and India.  Putting money overseas, moving jobs away, and stealing pension money and pocketing it.  Playing the Wall Street games without any care to the economy or the little guy.  Stand behind Obama.